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SS St. Louis Survivors Visit Saint Andrew’s

Holocaust survivors speak to students

Recently, the Upper School welcomed guests from the SS St. Louis Legacy Project, an initiative to promote greater awareness of issues of human rights, immigration, and refugee policy. 

In May 1939, the German liner SS St. Louis sailed from Hamburg, Germany, to Havana, Cuba. The passengers on the ship were almost all Jewish refugees. After being refused to land the ship by Cuba, the United States, and Canada, the St. Louis passengers were finally able to land in Western European countries rather than return to Nazi Germany. Two hundred and fifty-four of those passengers were killed in the Holocaust.

John Shilling and Charles Mendel, who were passengers on the SS St. Louis, shared their testimony and experiences with Upper School students and faculty. 

Mr. Shilling and Mr. Mendel joined a number of classes for dialogue and Q & A, and engaged students in a discussion led by Father Ben Anthony and Reverend David Taylor at their weekly Assembly.